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Genetics: Lao/Isan landrace
Type: Point of origin, open pollinated
Style: Ganja, seeded flower
: Phu Kradueng
Province: Loei
Area: Petchabun Massif
Region: Isan
Appellation: Phu Kradueng
Country: Thailand




Cultivation Details:


Regional Planting: July-September
Regional Harvest: January-March
Height: 2-3m
Classification: NLD type landrace accession






The Phu Kradueng accession represents a historical cannabis landrace from the highlands of Loei Province, part of the broader Lao-Isan genepool that once thrived throughout the Mekong basin. This landrace is well-adapted to the unique microclimate of the Phetchabun Massif, where cooler highland temperatures, mist-covered valleys, and rugged terrain create an environment distinct from the rest of Isan.






The Phu Kradueng region has a long history of traditional cannabis cultivation, deeply connected to the greater Lao-Isan cultural sphere. Historically, farmers in Loei and the surrounding highland provinces cultivated cannabis for medicinal, culinary, and spiritual purposes, supplying both local markets and cross-border trade into Laos.


During the mid-to-late 20th century, cannabis from Phu Kradueng and surrounding districts was sought after for its high resin content and energetic effects, making it a prime candidate for Thai Stick exports during the peak of Thailand’s global cannabis trade.


However, due to increased law enforcement in the late 20th century, many of these highland fields were abandoned or destroyed. Today, traditional open-pollinated ganja fields are rare, and much of the region’s cannabis has been replaced by hybridized commercial varieties aimed at Thailand’s new legal market.


Despite this, there may still be hidden remnants of landrace populations in remote areas, maintained by older generations of farmers or surviving in feral populations in the deep forested foothills of the Phetchabun Massif.




Accession Details:




Current Status:


The Phu Kradueng landrace is at serious risk of disappearing, with modern hybrid cultivation and legal market shifts pushing traditional farming practices into obscurity. While some older farmers may still cultivate in secrecy, these populations remain largely undocumented, and their genetic continuity is uncertain.


A return expedition is necessary to determine whether pure landrace populations still exist, whether traditional farmers maintain local seed stock, and whether a conservation effort can be initiated to prevent the total loss of this Isan ganja variety.


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Phu Kradueng

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  • According to the Single Convention on Narcotic drugs signed in Vienna in 1961, the possession, importation and traffic of hemp seeds are not subject to regulation. This treaty expressly excludes cannabis seeds from the list of narcotic substances that are subject to international oversight. However, while the possession of hemp seeds is not a criminal offense in France, the cultivation of cannabis can result in administrative and penal sanctions as stipulated by Article 222-35 of the Penal Code. Zomia Collective S.A.R.L. carries no responsibility for the misuse of any products sold to users. Zomia Cannabis Collective store, and its domains, remain compliant with French law.


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