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Synonyms: Muen Sri

Genetics: Southern Thai Landrace

Type: Point of Origin, Open Pollinated

Style: Ganja, Seeded Flowers

Farmer: Lung Sak

Sourcing: Piano, Éloïse (2022)

District: Ron Phibun

Province: Nakhon Si Thammarat

Area: Khao Luang Massif

Region: Southern Thailand

Appellation: Khao Wong

Country: Thailand




Cultivation Details:


Regional Planting: July - September
Regional Harvest: January - March
Height: 2-3 metres
Classification: NLD type Landrace Population






The Khao Wang landrace, also known as Meun Sri, is a rare accession from a small farm at the base of Khao Wang Mountain, sourced before legalization in Southern Thailand.


This variety displays the classic traits of traditional Thai landraces, with tall, lanky plants, long, narrow leaflets, and wispy, resinous flowers. The bud structure is loose and open, well-adapted to the hot, humid climate of Nakhon Sri Thammarat, allowing for excellent mold and pest resistance.


The aroma profile is a unique blend of mango and carrot, layered with dry, woody spice and earthy undertones. The effects are intensely euphoric and energetic, delivering a powerful, no-ceiling high typical of pure sativa expressions—providing clarity, focus, and long-lasting cerebral stimulation.


Khao Wang grows rapidly, exhibiting extreme stretch during flowering, making it a vigorous and adaptable variety suited for tropical outdoor cultivation.





The Khao Wang accession was collected from a small farm at the foot of Khao Wang Mountain, an area historically associated with traditional cannabis cultivation in Southern Thailand.

Prior to legalization, smallholder farmers in this region quietly maintained old Thai landraces, cultivating them for local use and regional trade. However, the arrival of modern hybrids and industrial-scale cultivation efforts has rapidly displaced many of these ancestral populations.

This accession represents one of the last known examples of Meun Sri, a highly distinctive Southern Thai landrace with remarkable psychoactive properties and unique aromatic complexity.

With little information on the current status of Khao Wang's cannabis cultivation, a return to the region is essential to determine whether any traditional farms remain.



Accession Details:


Khao Wang ‘Lung Sak’ Accession (2022)
Notes: Collected by Éloïse in Khao Wang
Type: Selected domesticate landrace
Altitude: Unknown




Current Status:


The current cultivation status of Khao Wang is unknown, and it is unclear whether any remaining farmers continue to preserve this landrace. Given the rapid changes in Thailand’s cannabis landscape, there is a real risk that this variety may soon disappear entirely.


A return trip is necessary to assess the state of local cultivation, document any surviving populations, and explore options for conservation and reproduction.

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Khao Wang

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  • According to the Single Convention on Narcotic drugs signed in Vienna in 1961, the possession, importation and traffic of hemp seeds are not subject to regulation. This treaty expressly excludes cannabis seeds from the list of narcotic substances that are subject to international oversight. However, while the possession of hemp seeds is not a criminal offense in France, the cultivation of cannabis can result in administrative and penal sanctions as stipulated by Article 222-35 of the Penal Code. Zomia Collective S.A.R.L. carries no responsibility for the misuse of any products sold to users. Zomia Cannabis Collective store, and its domains, remain compliant with French law.


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