Synonyms: Kerala Ganja, KG
Genetics: Probably South Indian Landrace
Type: Unknown
Style: Ganja, Seeded Flowers
Farmer: Unknown
Sourcing: Eloise (2024)
District: Colombo
Province: Western Province
Area: N/A
Region: N/A
Appellation: N/A
Country: Sri Lanka
Cultivation Details:
Regional Planting: Unknown
Regional Harvest: Unknown
Height: Unknown
Classification: NLD type, possibly landrace.---
This Sri Lankan ‘Kerala Ganja’ or ‘KG’ accession is a heavily seeded NLD (Narrow Leaf Drug) type cannabis sourced by Éloïse in Colombo during 2024. The plants exhibit classic South Asian sativa morphology, with elongated leaflets and an airy bud structure typical of traditional tropical landraces. The aroma profile is spicy, herbal, and citrus notes characteristic of South Indian landraces.
The seeds were collected from a small sample of a (presumably) large batch of heavily seeded flowers, indicating open pollination and genetic diversity within the population.
Cannabis has a long-standing cultural and historical presence in Sri Lanka, heavily influenced by South Indian trade and migration patterns. The Kerala Ganja (KG) variety is widely known throughout the country, particularly in urban and tourist areas, but it carries a mixed reputation.
Local narratives suggest that KG is of poor quality due to the use of chemicals in its cultivation, leading to a negative perception of Indian-imported cannabis. It is often the only cannabis available.
Cannabis in Sri Lanka is traditionally linked to Ayurvedic medicine and spiritual practices, though the modern perception has shifted due to legal restrictions and the influence of global narcotics policy.
The exact genetic lineage of this accession is unknown, but its appearance suggests a close relationship with South Indian landraces, likely shaped by a series of cultural and agricultural exchanges across the Indian Ocean culminating in large-scale smuggling and a resulting genetic flow from South India into Sri Lanka. Given that large scale cannabis traffic in Kerala since the mid 2010s has been effectively stopped by the authorities - it is likely that the 'Kerala Ganja' originates not in Kerala but on the Andhra-Orissa border in the Western Ghats where much of the large scale cannabis cultivation of South India is concentrated.
Accession and Selection Details:
Kerala Ganja (KG) Colombo Accession (2024)
Notes: Collected by Éloïse in Colombo.Type: Unknown
Altitude: Unknown
Current Status:
Kerala Ganja
According to the Single Convention on Narcotic drugs signed in Vienna in 1961, the possession, importation and traffic of hemp seeds are not subject to regulation. This treaty expressly excludes cannabis seeds from the list of narcotic substances that are subject to international oversight. However, while the possession of hemp seeds is not a criminal offense in France, the cultivation of cannabis can result in administrative and penal sanctions as stipulated by Article 222-35 of the Penal Code. Zomia Collective S.A.R.L. carries no responsibility for the misuse of any products sold to users. Zomia Cannabis Collective store, and its domains, remain compliant with French law.